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Georgios Karavalakis - CE-CERT UCR

Understanding Primary Emissions from Mobile Sources and Their Link to Secondary Aerosols: The Effects of Fuel Composition, Exhaust Aftertreatment, and Driving Conditions –


Title: Understanding Primary Emissions from Mobile Sources and Their Link to Secondary Aerosols: The Effects of Fuel Composition, Exhaust Aftertreatment, and Driving Conditions

THURSDAY, Oct 7, 2021 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Abstract: Transportation-related air pollution is significant in the U.S. and across the world. Motor vehicles have been recognized already since the 1950s to contribute to urban smog, while in the 1990s epidemiological studies raised concerns about potential health associations with particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5). Sacrificing transportation needs for environmental quality and public health is simply infeasible. How do we meet the transportation needs in the age of development without sacrificing environmental sustainability and public health? My research activities are centered on advancements in the sustainability of alternative and biomass-derived fuels combustion applications by combining applied
and fundamental measurement tools, with a current focus on internal combustion engine applications. This seminar presents the impacts of fuel composition, robust aftertreatment controls, and driving conditions on primary emissions and secondary aerosol formation from current technology engine platforms. I will demonstrate that fuel composition and engine technology, including exhaust aftertreatment control, will significantly affect the formation of primary emissions, as well as the potential formation of secondary aerosols. I will then present that based  on the current tools and knowledge, we are able to sufficiently predict