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Colloquium: Suveen Mathaudhu

Suveen Mathaudhu
Winston Chung Hall 205/206

There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom... for Magnesium Alloys
*Faculty only 12:00 — 12:30 PM (Non-ME Faculty are welcome)

Suveen Mathaudhu, Ph.D.  
Program Officer — U.S. Army Research Office
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Materials       
Science & Engineering, North Carolina State University

Mg-alloys  are  becoming  increasingly  important  based  on  the  technological  advantages  given  their  low  density compared to current structural metals such as Al- and Fe-based alloys. However, unlike their fcc and bcc counterparts, little has been done to investigate the processing, under lying deformation mechanisms and properties of nanocrystalline/nanostructured hcp Mg-based alloys.  This presentation will present  innovative  processing approaches to  the  nanostructuring  of  Mg-alloys  via  "bottom-up"  powder  processing  and  "top-down"  severe  plastic  deformation  methods,  and  highlight  the  support  of  computational  tools for each endeavor. Thoughts and correlations on the linkages between the fundamental deformation mechanisms  and  resultant  mechanical  properties  will  be  given  along  with  the  benefits  and  limitations  of each  processing  approach.  The  initial  experimental outcomes  point  to  unprecedented  increases  in   strength, control of texture and anisotropy, and increased formability at low temperatures. These results
forecast  promising  tactics  for  the  design  of  Mg-alloys  with  superior  strength  and  ductility  for  advanced  structural and transportation applications. 

Suveen N. Mathaudhu is the Program Manager for Synthesis and Processing of Materials in the Materials Division of the U.S. Army Research Office.    Dr. Mathaudhu joined ARO in 2010 after serving first as an ORISE postdoctoral fellow, and subsequently as a Materials Engineer at the Weapons and Materials Research Directorate in the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.   In his current role, he manages programs that focus on the use of innovative scientific approaches for the synthesis and processing of high performance structural materials.  He also has held an Adjunct Assistant Professor position with the Materials Science and Engineering Department of North Carolina State University since 2009, where his research interests have focused on advanced structural metallurgy in the areas of ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline ma-terials   by   severe   plastic   deformation,   processing   of  metastable  particulate  materials,  processing-microstructure-property-performance relationships oflightweight and refractory alloys, and thermally stable  nanocrystalline  metals.    Dr.  Mathaudhu  received  his  B.S.E.  in  Mechanical  Engineering  from  Walla  Walla University in 1998, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2006.  
